Книги и списания, закупени с финансовата подкрепа на Oswald Foundation, International Association of Analytical Psychology
и със средствата на БОАП „К.Г.Юнг“
1. Beebe, J. 1992: Integrity in Depth. Texas A&M University Press.
2. Bolen, J. 1984: Goddesses in Every Woman. A New Psychology of Women. Harper Perennial.
3. Douglas, S. 1993: Translate This Darkness. The Life of Christiana Morgan, the Veiled Woman in Jung’s Circle. Princeton University Press.
4. Ellenberger, H. 1970: The Discovery of the Unconscious. The History of Evolution of Dynamic Psychiatry. Basic Books.
5. Henderson, J. 1984: Cultural Attitudes in Psychological Perspective. Inner City Books.
6. Hillman, J. 1972: Emotion. A Comprehensive Phenomenology of Theories and Their Meaning for Therapy. Northwestern University Press.
7. Jung, S. G. 1984: Dream Analysis, Notes of the Seminar Given in 1928-1930. Bollingen Series XCIX, Princeton University Press.
8. Kawai, H. 1996: Buddhism and the Art of Psychotherapy. Texas A&M University Press.
9. Mattoon, M. A. 1984: Understanding Dreams. Spring Publications. *
10. Мiller, J. 2004: The Transcendent Function. Jung’s Model of Psychological Growth through Dialogue with the Unconscious. State University of New York Press. *
11. Mitchell, R., Friedman, H. 1994: Sandplay. Past, Present & Future. Routledge.
12. Nathanson, D. 1992: Shame and Pride. Affects, Sex, and the Birth of the Self. W.W. Norton&Co.
13. Perera, S. 1981: Descent to the Goddess. A Way of Initiation for Women. Inner Books. *
14. Russack, N. 2002: Animal Guides in Life, Myth and Dreams. An Analytic Notebook. Inner City Books. *
15. Searle, Y., Streng, I. 2001: Where Analysis Meets the Arts. The Integration of the Arts Therapies with Psychoanalytic Theory. Karnac Books.
16. Stein, M. 1998: Jung’s Map of the Soul. Open Court, Chicago and La Salle, Illinois. *
17. Ulanov, A. 2000: The Wisdom of the Psyche. Daimon.
18. Whitmont, E. 1991: The Symbolic Quest. Basic Concepts of Analytical Psychology. Princeton University Press. *
19. Woodman, M. 2001: Bone. A Journal of Wisdom, Strength, and Healing. Penguin Compass.
20. Joerg Rasche and Thomas Singer – Europe’s Many Souls. Exploring Cultural Complexes and Identities
21. Elmar Bollin und Gert Sauer – Die Traumgruppe
22. Vibeke Skov , Shame and Creativity: From Affect towards Individuation,
23. Edward Santana, Jung and Sex: Re-visioning the treatment of sexual issues
24. Erel Shalit (Editor), Murray Stein (Editor), Turbulent Times, Creative Minds: Erich Neumann and C.G. Jung in Relationship (1933-1960)
25. Warren Colman, ACT and Image: The Emergence of Symbolic Imagination
1. Journal of Sandplay Therapy, 2004, Vol. XIII (2).
2. Spring. A Journal of Archetype and Culture, 1990, Vol. 50.
3. Jung Journal – Das Schoepferische/Heft 35-Maerz 2016
4. Jung Journal – Gehirn und Seele/Heft 36-September 2016
5. Jung Journal – Visionen/Heft 37-Maerz 2016
Книги, дарени от Сюзан Бостром-Вонг,
юнгиански аналитик, член на „К. Г. Юнг“ Институт, Сан Франциско
Книги на английски език:
1. Aubarbier, J., Binet, M. 1987: Prehistotic Sites in Perigord. Editions Ouest-France.
2. Bollas, C. 1987: The Shadow of the Object. Psychoanalysis of the Unthought Known. Columbia University Press, New York. *
3. Bradway, K. 1985: Sandplay Bridges and the Transcendent Function. The C. G. Jung Institute of San Francisco.
4. Bradway, K., K. Signell, G. Spare, S. Stewart, L. Stewart, C. Thompson 1981: Sandplay Studies. Origins, Theory and Practice. C. G. Jung Institute of San Francisco. *
5. Christensen, B., Marti, S. 1971: Witchcraft and Pre-Columbian Paper. European Book Co.
6. Doweiko, H. 1999: Concepts of Chemical Dependancy. Brooks/Cole Publ. Co.
7. Estes, C. P. 1992: Women who Run with Wolves. Myths and Stories of the Wild Woman Archetype. Ballantine Books. *
8. Kalff, D. 1980: Sandplay. A Psychotherapeutic Approach to the Psyche. Sigo Press.
9. Kalff, D. 1971: Sandplay: Mirror of a Child’s Psyche. The Browser Press.
10. Kimble Wrye, H. Welles, J. K. 1994: The Narration of Desire. Erotic Transference and Countertransference. The Analytic Press, London.
11. McDougall, J. 1990: Plea for a Measure of Abnormality. Brunner/Mazel, NY.
12. McDougall, J. 1989: Theaters of the Body. A Psychoanalytic Approach to Psychosomatic Illness. W.W. Norton& Co.
13. McDougall, J. 1985: Theaters of the Mind. Illusion and Truth on the Psychoanalytic Stage. Basic Books Inc., NY. *
14. Ogden, T. 1994: Subjects of Analysis. Jason Aronson Inc.
15. Ogden, T. 1989: The Primitive Edge of Experience. Jason Aronson Inc.
16. Oldfield Howey, W. 1956: The Cat in the Mysteries of Magic and Religion. Castle Books, NY.
17. Piontelli, A. 1985: Backwards in Time. A Study in Infant Observation by the Method of Esther Bick. Clunie Press.
18. Radin, P. 1963: The Autobiography of a Winnebago Indian. Dover Publications, NY.
Книги, дарени от д-р Елизабет Мардорф (Германия)
1. Adler, A. 1954: Understanding Human Nature. A Fawcett Premier Book.
2. Assagioli, R. 1976: Psychosynthesis. Penguin Books
3. Berne, E. 1973: A Layman’s Guide to Psychotherapy & Psychoanalysis. Ballantine Books, NY.
4. Berne, E. 1961: Transactional Analysis in Psychotherapy. Grove Press, NY.
5. Fagan, J., Shepherd, I. L. 1973: Life Techniques in Gestalt Therapy. Perennial Library, Harper&Row Purlishers.
6. Kopp, S. B. 1972: If You Meet the Buddha in the Road, Kill Him. The Pilgrimage of Psychotherapy Patients. Bantam Books.
7. Kopp, S. B. 1977: This Side of Tragedy. Psychotherapy as Theater. Science and Behaviour Books.
8. Leonard, L. 1983: The Wounded Woman. Healing the Father-Daughter Relationship. Shambala. *
9. Lowen, A. 1975: Bioenergetics. The Revolutionary Therapy that Uses the Language of the Body to Heal the Problems of the Mind. Penguin Books.
10. Lowen, A. 1969: The Betrayal of the Body. Collier Books.
11. Meininger, J. 1974: Success Through Transactional Analysis. New American Library.
12. Polster, E. 1973: Gestalt Therapy Integrated. Contours of Theory and Practice. Vintage Books.Rubin, L. 1996: The Transcendent Child. Tales of Triumph Over the Past. Basic Books.
13. Reich, W. 1971: Seleced Writings. An Introduction to Orgonomy. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, NY. *
14. Spepard, M. 1976: Frits. An Intimate Portrait of Frits Perls and Gestalt Therapy. Bantam Books.
15. Siegel, B. 1988: Love, Medicine & Miracles. Perennial Library.
16. Siegel, B. 1990: Peace, Love & Healing. Perennial Library.
17. Szasz, T. S. 1969: The Ethics of Psychoanalysis. The Theory and Method of Autonomous Psychotherapy. A Delta Book.
18. Campbell, J. 1976: The portable Jung. The Viking Press.
Kниги и списания на немски език:
1. Adler, A. 1976: Kindererziehung. Fisher Taschenbuch Verlag.
2. Adler, A. 1978: Praxis und Theorie der Idividualpsychologie. Fisher Taschenbuch Verlag.
3. сп. Analytische Psychologie, Zeitschrift fur Analitische Psychologie und ihre Grenzgebiete: 1987-1992
4. Brautigam, W. 1958: Reaktionen Neurosen Psychopethien. Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart.
5. Harre, K. 1985: Durchbruch zur Personlichkeit. Selbstfindung nach C. G. Jung mit vielen Fallbeispielen. Herderbucherei.
6. сп. Gorgo. Zeitschrift fur Archetypische Psychologie: 1987, 1989.
7. сп. Jung Journal. Forum fur Analytischen Psychologie. Vol. 8, 2002; Vol. 18, 2007
8. сп. Jung – Zeit. Journal der C. G. Jung. Vol. 4, 2000, Vol. 6, 2001.
9. Jung, C. G. 1984: Grundwerk. Walter-Verlag. *
10. Kast, V. 1984: Paare. Beziehungsphantasien oder wie Gotter sich in Menschen spiegeln. Kreuz Verlag. *
11. Kast, V. 1988: Das Assoziationsexperiment in der Therapeutischen Praxis. Bonz Verlag.
12. Magli, I. 1990: Die Madonna. Die Entstehung eines weiblichen Idols aus der mannlichen Phantasie. Piper.
13. Mardorf, E. 1997: Das kann doch kein Zufall sein! Verbluffende Ereignisse und geheimnisvolle Fugungen im unserem Leben. Kosel.
14. Miller, A. 1979: Das Drama des begabten Kindes und die Suche nach dem wahren Selbst. Suhrkamp.
15. Miller, A. 1983: Du sollst nicht merken. Suhrkamp.
16. Neumann, E. 1992: Die Psyche als Ort der Gestaltung. Geist & Psyche Fischer.
17. Neumann, E. 1990: Tiefenpsychologie und neue Ethik. Geist & Psyche Fischer.
18. Perera, S. 1988: Der Weg zur Gottin der Tiefe. Die Erlosung der dunklen Schwester eine Initiation fur Frauen. Ansata.
19. Pfluger, P. 1988: Das Paar Mythos unf Wirklichkeit. Neue Werte im Liebe und Sexualitat. Walter-Verlag, Olten.
20. Pfluger, P. 1992: Gewalt – warum? Der Mensch: Zerstorer und Gestalter. Walter-Verlag, Olten.
21. Pohlen, M., Bautz-Holzherr, M. 1995: Psychoanalyse – das Ende einer Deutungsmacht.
22. сп. Praxis der Psychotherapie und Psychosomatik, 29 (4), 1984.
23. Sayers, J. 1994: Mutterlichkeit in der Psychoanalyse: Helene Deutsch, Karen Horney, Anna Freud, Melanie Klein. Verlag W. Kohlhammer. *
24. Schellenbaum, P. 1990: Abschied von der Selbszerstorung. Befreiung der Lebensenergie. Deuscher Taschenbuch Verlag.
25. Stern, H. 1983: Die Couch. Ihre Bedeutung fur die Psychotherapie. Fischer.
26. Woodman, M. 1987: Heilung und Erfullung dirch die Grosse Mutter. Ansata.
Книги, списания, лекции и видео-материали,
дарени от гост-лектори и приятели на БОАП „К. Г. Юнг“
1. Анчев, Анатол 2007: Юнгиански подход към българския фолклор. „Леге Артис“, Плевен.
2. Анчев, Анатол 2008: Вампирите в българския фолклор. „Леге Артис“, Плевен.
3. Анчев, Анатол 2008: Фолклор и аналитична психология „Фенея“, София.
4. Анчев, Анатол 2009: Българската традиционна сватба в селата в Сакар. „Тип-топ Прес“, София.Анчев, Анатол 2016: От психологическата основа в народоуката на Иван Д. Шиишманов до българската аналитичнопсихологическа антропология. Том I, II, III. Тип-топ прес, София.
5. Благоева, С. 1977: Болгарские народные украшения. „Септември“, София.
6. Гевелий, Ян 1968: Атлас звëздного нба. „Фан“, Ташкент.
7. Рамос, Денис Жименес 2014: Душа тела. Юнгианский подход к психосоматике. Добросвет „КДУ“, Москва.
8. Стефанова, Ана 2015: Аналитичнопсихологически подход към нестинарския обреден комплекс. Инициция – Лекция, изнесена на 1 октомври в ИЕФЕМ-БАН, София, по проекта „Семинари по аналитичнопсихологическа антропология“ с ръководител проф. д.ф.н. Анатол Анчев.
9. Шалит, Ерел 2009: Врагът, сакатият и просякът. Сенки по пътя на героя. „Леге Артис“, Плевен (3 броя).
10. Anchev, A. 2011: A Soothsaying Book. “Feneya”, Sofia.
11. Аvé-Lallemant, U. 1994: Der Sterne-Wellen-Test. Ernst Reinhardt Verlag.
12. Bach, S. 1969: Spontaneous Paintings of Severely Ill Patients. A Contribution to Psychosomatic Medicine. Acta Psychosomatica No. 8.
13. Biedermann, H. 1972: Medicina Magica. Graz.
14. Bittner, G. Rehm Willy (б.г.): Psychoanaluse und Erziehung. Goldmann, München.
15. Brem-Gräser, Luitgard 1975: Familie in Tieren. München.
16. Donleavy, P., Shearer, A. 2008: From Ancient Myth to Modern Healing. Themis: Goddess of Heart-Soul Justice and Reconsiliation. Routledge, London, NY (2 бр.).
17. Esther Harding, M. 1971: The Way of all Women. A Classic Study of the many Roles of Modern Woman. Rider, London.
18. Fagan, J., Shepherd, I. L. 1970: What is Gestalt Therapy? Harper & Row, NY.
19. Giglio, Z., Giglio, J. 2002: Anatomia de una Època. Oltares jungianos a travès de binomio Eficiancia/Transformaciòn. Instituto de Psicologìa Analìtica de Campinas – IPAC.
20. Jung, E. 1981: Anima and Animus. Two Essays by Emma Jung. Spring Publications Inc. *
21. Mandi, L. C., Foster, S., Little, M. 1987: Betwixt & Between: Patterns of Masculine and Femenine Initiation. Open Court, La Salle , Ill.
22. Oltamnns, T., Neale, J., Davison, G. 1985: Case Studies in Abnormal Psychology. John Wiley & Sons, NY.
23. Otto, R. 1958: The Idea of the Holy. Oxford University Press, London-Ofxord-NY. *
24. Rauchfleisch, U. 1980: Testpsychologie. Eine Einfuhrung in die Psychodiagnostik. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht im Gottingen.
25. Scategni, W. 1994: Das Psychodrama. Waltar-Verlag.
26. Schaverien, J. 2006: Gender Countertransference and the Erotic Transference. Perspectives from Analytical Psychology and Psychoanalysis. Routledge, London, NY.
27. Schoenewolf, G. 1990: Turning points in Analytic Therapy. From Winnicott to Kernberg. Jason Aronson Inc., New Jersey, London.
28. Shalit, E. 2004: The Hero and his Shadow. Psychopolitical Aspects of Myth and Reality in Israel. University Press of America. (на английски език и на иврит).
29. Shalit, E. 2002: The Complex: Path of Transformation from Archetype to Ego. Inner City Books. *
30. Shalit, E. 2004: The Hero and His Shadow. Psychopolitical Aspects of Myth and Reality in Israel. University Press of America. *
31. Solomon, H. McF. 2007: The Self in Transformation. Karnac, London. *
32. Stewarts, C. 2008: Dire Emotions and Lethal Behaviours. Routledge. *
33. Stumm, G., Pritz, A., Gumhalster, P., Nemeskeri, N., Voracek, M. 2005: Personenlexikon der Psychotherapie. Springer, NY.
34. Thomas, H. 1970: Tiermotive der alteren bulgarschen Literatur im heutigen bulgarishen Volskgut. Inaugural Dissertation, Saarbrucken. (Дисертацията на Хелга Томас, 2 бр.)
35. Wehr, G. 1989: Carl Gustav Jung. Arzt – Tiefenpsychologie Visionar. Eine Bildbiographie. SV International/Schweizer Verlagshaus Zurich.
36. Wiener, J., Mizen, R., Duckham, J. 2003: Supervising and Being Supervised. A Practice in Search of a Theory. Palgrave Macmillian, Bristol.
37. Woodman, M. 1988: Addiction to Perfection *
38. Ziler, H. 1970: Der Mann-Zeichen-Test im Detailstatistischer Auswertung.
39. Zoja, Luigi 2001: The Father. Historical, Psychological and Cultural Perspectives. Brunner-Routledge, Hove/NY.
40. Макдугалл, Джойс 2013: Театрь тела. Психоаналитический подход к лечению психосоматических расстройств. „Когито- центр“, Москва.
41. Рамос, Денис 2014: Душа тела. Юнгианский подход к психосоматике. „Добросвет“, Москва.
42. Ulnik, Jorge 2008: Skin in Psychoanalysis. Karnac.
43. Ann Shearer 2016: Why Don’t Psychotehrapists Laugh? Enjoynment and the Consulting Room. Routledge, Oxon, New York.
44. Cohen, Betsy 1986: The Snow White Syndrome. All About Envy. Jove Books, NY
45. Edward Santana – Jung and Sex. Revisioning the Treatment of Sexual Issues
46. Warren Colman – Act and Immage. The Emergance of Symbolic Immagination
47. Vibeke Skov – Shame and Creativity. From Affect Towards Individuation.
48. Turbulent Times, Creative Minds: Erich Neumann and C. G. Jung in relationship. Ed. by Erel Shallit and Murray Stein
49. Герт Зауэр – Сибирские лекции 50. Анчев, Анатол 2016: От психологическата основа в народоуката на Иван Д. Шиишманов до българската аналитичнопсихологическа антропология. Том I, II, III. Тип-топ прес, София.
сп. European Journal of Personality, March 2009.
сп. Psychotherapy and Politics International, Vol. 7 (1), 2009
Journal of Family Therapy Vol. 31 (1), Feb. 2009, Vol. 32 (1) Feb. 2010.
Children and Society, Vol. 23 (1), Jan 2009.
Journal of Analytical Psychology Vol. 54 (2), Ap 2009; Vol. 55 (2) Ap 2010
Сборници IAAP Newsletter 2001, 2002, 2003 (2 бр.), 2004 (2 бр.), 2006.
сп. Il Sorriso del Camaleonte. International Review of Jungian Psychodrama. 2001 (3).
сп. Journal of Jungian Theory and Practice, 2004 Vol. 6 (1) (2 бр.)
сп. The San Francisco Jung Institute Library Journal, 2003 Vol. 22 (2) (4 бр.)
сп. DU. The Magazine of Culture 1995 Vol. 8.
сп. International Journal of Jungian Studies 2009 Vol. 1 (1), 2-11 (2 бр.); 2010 Vol. 2 (1) 45-58 (2 бр.).
Jung Journal – няколко броя
Сборници от Международни конференции по аналитична психология:
- X Берлин 1986: The Arxhetype of Shadow in a Split World
- XI Париж 1989: Personal and Archetypal Dynamics in the Analytical Relationship
- XII Чикаго 1992: The Transcendent Function: Individual and Collective Aspects
- XIII Цюрих 1995: Open Questions in Analytical Psychology
- XIV Флоренция 1998: Destruction and Creation: Personal and Cultural Transformations.
- XV Кембридж 2001: Symbolic and Clinical Approaches in Theory and Practice
- Сборник Jungiana: Suzanne Wanger, Waltraut Körner, Rudolf Högger, Barbara Hannah, Gothilf Isler.
Материали на електронен носител:
- Edinger, E. 1992: Ego and Archetype. Shambahla, Boston/London (книга в електронен вариант).
- Jacoby, M. 1999: Jungian Psychotherapy & Contemporary Infant Research. Basic Patterns of Emotional Exchange. Routledge, London/NY (книга в електронен вариант).
- сп. The Journal of Analytical Psychology. 1955-2005, Vol. 1 – 50. (диск)
- Филм „Sandplay with Dora M. Kalff. A Film by Peter Ammann”. 1972/2009. The only film documentation of Dora Kalff’s work in which she shows and explains her method of therapy with children. (диск)
- Nachtmeerfahrten Eine reise in die Psychologie von C. G. Jung. 2011. (диск)
- Robert Bosnack 1990: A little course in dreams. Shambahla, Lion editions, Boston, MA. (видеокасета)
- Das Unheil vor der Tur. Daemonen am Freiburger Munster – Ein Film von Michael Albus (диск)
* Книгите отбелязани със звезда са заети